FAQ for Roofers
Our Most Common Questions Answered
In the time since we’ve launched Roofgraf, we’ve received many questions from roofers, both new to the industry and seasoned pros about how technology and roofing work together and why it’s important to take advantage of these resources to grow your business. This is why we’ve decided to put together this roofer FAQ for all things roofing and technology.

Q: How do I grow my roofing business?
A: Whether you’ve just gotten your professional roofing contractor certification and you’re looking to start generating business or you’re a seasoned roofer interested in increasing your sales and expanding, it’s always a good idea to keep growing your company in the back of your mind.
The best way to grow is to increase the number of proposals you’re sending without having to put in any extra work. Using a software solution like Roofgraf that allows you to quote roofing projects from your desk, tablet or phone – will save you tons of time and allow you to quickly put together compelling proposals and roof measurement reports in a fraction of the time you would have spent visiting the property.
Setting up proposal templates that include all your costs for materials, labor, and additional services will allow you to generate an accurate and detailed quote in seconds, and as we all know, more quotes get you more business.
Q: Why do I need a roof measurement software?
A: While roofers have been climbing ladders to take measurements for hundreds of years, it’s no longer the easiest way to do the job. Using measurement tools like Roofgraf will not only keep you safe from falling but will speed up your quoting time significantly. This is something that is becoming more and more important in this fast-moving age where everyone expects everything, including their roof projects to be instant.
If you’re not sending out proposals quickly, other more technologically savvy roofers who are using a roof proposal software will beat you to the punch before you even get on site. To be clear though, we aren’t advocating that you ditch the ladder completely.
You’ll still want to go up the ladder to finalize your measurements and look at the condition of the existing roof before any paperwork is signed. Using an estimating software will get your foot in the door with the preliminary costs and materials needed before you even unload the truck.
Q: How do I make a winning proposal?
A: We all know that there is no shortage of roofers out there which is why it’s very important for you to be able to stand out in all the noise, especially when the job needs immediate action like fixing roof leaks or replacing a roof.
Don’t be like some of your competition and send your leads a spreadsheet or worse, scribbles and prices on paper. Email them something that’ll stand out, that’s easy-to-read from any device at any time, and that you have customized for your company’s branding.
A proposal generated with Roofgraf will show the homeowner multiple options (for different products or budgets), a comprehensive Statement of Work, customized Terms & Conditions and any supporting documents (a brochure of your previous work, a license or certification, product warranty sheets). Does your client want asphalt shingles? Great! Let them pick the color right on the quote itself.
Q: What’s the best way to calculate my material costs?
A: Ditch the measuring tape and the spreadsheets and make your computer do it for you! After adding your materials and extra costs in Roofgraf, all you need to do is draw on the roof, select your template(s) and save. Everything will be automatically calculated based on the dimensions of the roof and the predefined costs in the template(s).
Adding automation like this can speed up your workflow, meaning you close more deals without any extra effort.
Q: How do I choose a roof quote software?
A: Now that you’ve seen the importance of using a measurement tool for your roofing company, it’s time to go over how to pick the right one for your business. Firstly, you’ll want something that can be a one-stop-shop for you and all your employees where you can manage all your projects and have visibility on everything going on in your company.
Find something that allows you to add your leads and measure roof lines with multiple HD imagery options so you can guarantee the best image of the home. Roofgraf lets you toggle between Nearmaps aerial imagery and Google Maps satellite and Street View so you can be sure you have the best possible view of the home for your drawings. Home isn’t built yet? We have that covered too! You can also upload your blueprints or drone images as well.
Another important feature to have in any software is the ability to add templates. You should be able to tell the program exactly what kind of materials you use, where they’re used on the roof, and how much they cost. This way you can easily generate quotes and change them at short notice to give your leads good-better-best options and become your own competition.
Have you made it to the bottom of this article without signing up yet? Give Roofgraf a try risk-free now and let our industry-leading software and customer support show you why we’re the best in the game at helping roofers like you close more sales, grow their businesses and save valuable time.