Closing Roofing Jobs in Times of Uncertainty
If we’ve learned anything from the Coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic, it’s the importance of having ways to continue to run your business in times of uncertainty, both to keep a sense of normalcy and also to keep the revenue streaming in.
When the going gets tough, it isn’t time to get tougher, instead, it’s time to plan and put in place a system to make sure you can still keep up with business as usual. In this article, we’ll be sharing a few tried and true methods to keep your crew busy and your revenue consistent in uncertain times.

Common business challenges and how to overcome them
1) Employees can’t leave home
Have a work-from-home policy written up for anyone who can stay in, whether it’s full or part-time. Have more than one person with a laptop and the right software tools ready to come out with proposals and measurements so everyone can work and close jobs remotely without any hiccups.
Make sure to make it clear to your salespeople that this is not the time for face-to-face interactions and encourage them to limit the number of people they see regularly. Keep in mind that the safety of your crews is still your number one goal. Set up guidelines for proper distancing and safety for everyone on site.
2) The city shuts down and requires all non-essential services to close
Non-essential businesses closing means that most people are home with more time than ever to get started on all the home improvement work they’ve been putting off while having to go in to work every day. On top of that, urgent fixes to leaky roofs will still need to be done. Become a knight in shining armor and be available to help in any way you can.
3) Your current contracts need modifications
You will most likely need to look through the language in your contracts and make changes. Do you have any clauses in place for situations where a job can’t be done in the stated time if at all?
Now is the time to double-check what is laid out in your paperwork and add or remove anything that may affect future jobs. Take some time to consult a legal professional if you must, just make sure that your business, employees, and clients are taken care of in any way possible.
4) Your financials are taking a hit
Now is the time to take stock of how much money is coming in and going out on the daily. Decide where you can save money while still offering the quality service your guys are known to deliver. Start bulk-buying on key materials. Save on gas by planning your day and your route in advance. Now is the time to deploy your resources on smaller, higher-margin jobs. You also shouldn’t be using three separate tools to measure roofs, get roof reports and generate quotes, for example.
If it comes down to it, educate yourself or speak to an expert for instructions on how to properly lay workers off or cut hours until things improve.
Common homeowner concerns and how to respond
1) I’m not comfortable meeting right now
Let the homeowner know that you can put together remote estimates by using technology to accurately scope out their roof without ever meeting them in person. Deliver your project quote electronically via email. Instruct them to look it over and tell them that you are available via email, phone, and text for any questions they have or changes they’d like to make.
When the time comes to visit the home and get the job done, the homeowner is free to watch from a safe distance or not be around at all. Tell them that you have their safety in mind and will be happy to accommodate their requests.
2) I don’t know if I have the money for this project
For homeowners looking to improve the look of their homes or fix non-urgent issues with their roofs, it’s understandable that they might want to put their projects on hold. You can set up a few promos to keep up your sleeves for anyone who may be on the fence.
For clients who need to have emergency repairs done and are worried about pricing, remind them that loans and financing are also available.
3) I’m too stressed to manage this project
In situations like this, empathy is key. Explain that you’re here to help. Don’t be pushy, offer up a quote regardless. Let them know that you will send them a full proposal for their roof for free to look over, no strings attached.
As a roofing contractor, it’s up to you to decide which homeowners to pursue at this time and which ones are best left alone until things change.
4) I don’t know if I can move forward with this job right now
For the jobs you already have signed, stay close to your customer. Call them and reassure them that once things settle down you will be there. Ask them if they need some small maintenance to tide them over until you can start the job. Don’t lose their confidence because they haven’t heard from you.
You don’t want to lose a job that’s already been sold. It’s much harder and more costly to find a new customer than to reach out and secure the ones that you have.
How Roofgraf can help
Roofgraf has always been a roof measurement software set up for remote sales. Remote roofing doesn’t have to be impossible with a software that allows you to quote and measure from the comfort of your home on your desktop or mobile device.
Use Roofgraf’s templates to offer a wide variety of quotes and offer different pricing options to your customers with our “Good, Better, Best” options. Find line types and pitch automatically so you never have to make any unnecessary visits to the home and generate a roof report with one click!
Give Roofgraf a try risk-free now and let our industry-leading software and customer support show you why we’re the best in the game at helping roofers like you close more sales, grow their businesses and save valuable time.