5 Game-changing Tips for Successful Roofing Contractors
What your competitors don’t want you to know
The Construction industry has seen more rapid change in the last decade than ever before, and the Roofing industry is no different. Contractors nowadays are taking advantage of new tools, new types of shingles and new technology to get the job done and grow their business. If you’re wondering how the big guys are picking up all the work, staying on top of the calls and coming in at a better price? The truth is – they’re actually growing by “leaning out”. Fortunately we live in the golden age of efficiency & awareness which presents a huge opportunity to capitalize on game-changing tactics to become a major player in your market. Here’s 5 tips to consider:

1. Get Recommended in Local Community Facebook Groups
Facebook is the sanctuary for word of mouth recommendations. Whether its for car detailing, landscaping or roofing, chances are if a client liked your work, they are talking about you online. More recently, Facebook actually released a “Looking for Recommendations” feature which has become incredibly popular for anyone seeking professional work done in nearly every trade. While users typically tag your Facebook page, you may not see when you’re mentioned in private groups, which are very common for local communities. Search your local area for these groups and request to join, you’ll be surprised how often the members are sharing their experiences. Once you’re in, not only will you see more opportunities come up, but users will trust your business much more that they know you’re a part of the group.
2. Create Targeted Ads for Facebook & Instagram
The constant rapid growth of social media has led to it being the absolute best resource to advertise your business. Unlike billboards, newspaper ads & TV commercials that sit idle waiting for someone to pass them by, Facebook & Instagram Ads can be directly targeted based on location, demographics & interests. That’s right, it is no coincidence that what you were just searching for on Google last week popped up in your feed. You can create a paid ad (often for less than the price of a traditional ad) and have it appear next time someone is looking for Roofing companies in your area. Better yet, every time you run an ad campaign, Facebook & Instagram shows you detailed analytics so you can learn more about the types of customers in your area. If you’re looking to experiment, these services start as low as $1. Don’t miss out.
3. Network with Local Builders on LinkedIn
Now that you have Facebook & Instagram covered, don’t forget about the ultimate professional networking platform. LinkedIn is a proven area to connect with industry peers, suppliers, competitors and trade associations for your region. Not only that, LinkedIn is also a fantastic resource for introducing yourself to Builders & General Contractors, where you can create valuable partnerships as well as generate consistent work for your Roofing business. Likewise, making yourself known on LinkedIn allows for all these users to find & connect with you. LinkedIn also has a very useful feature that shows when someone visits your profile and who it is, in case you want to start a conversation.
4. Automate your Estimating & Proposals using Roofgraf
With the latest apps on the market, Roofers are now able to do what used to take several hours and sometimes multiple people to complete… all in a matter of minutes. Picture this: you get a bunch of calls in for quotes, all in various ends of town, all looking to get their roof done “ASAP”. You know that they’re getting other prices and you can’t get to everybody right away but you also don’t want to pass up on the work. So what do you do? Go out to each one and do a takeoff for your estimate? Hire somebody to help you out? Pass up on the ones you think you have the least chance of actually getting? There’s a solution to all of this: Roofgraf. With the Roofgraf software, all you need to do is punch in the address of the site, draw & pick your lines on the screen and Roofgraf will automatically perform the takeoff to get your number of squares, complete your estimate, generate your statement of work (complete with available shingle color selection) and produce a quote ready to send to your customer to sign. Once the quote is approved, Roofgraf calculates all your costs and creates a bill of material for you to get on order with your supplier and shipped to site. No more errors, no more wasted time and no more overhead to worry about. It’s as easy as downloading the app directly to the device you already own.
5. Maximize Time Onsite, Minimize Time Proposal Writing
While Roofing companies everywhere are successfully growing and building their businesses, the “secret sauce” is this more lean approach to allow for faster and more professional customer service, powerful business tools to become more efficient and competitive, as well as additional freedom to spend less time chasing jobs and more time getting the jobs done. Try Roofgraf for free today and get the leg up on your competition this year.