Measure and quote smarter with the industry’s leading take-off tool
Instant roof reports, automated HD measurements, and beautiful proposals
Instant roof reports, automated HD measurements, and beautiful proposals
Pair beautiful proposals with Good, Better, Best options and become your own competition
A.I. powered measurement and pitch and line type identification helps you get your quote done at lightning speed
Generate a full roof report at the click of a button as soon as your measurements are complete
Let’s talk about getting you started with Roofgraf.
Sean Talebi
The Roofers
“Roofgraf has been instrumental in streamlining our sales processes and made it far more efficient to procure accurate takeoffs. Roofgraf has helped our team immensely and has become a pillar in the growth and success of our company. Thank you Roofgraf!”
Nick Layton
Ozone Roofing Inc.
“The biggest way Roofgraf has helped me has been being able to measure roofs without being on-site. When someone calls me, I can get them a measurement right away. I can create as many proposals as I want and send them directly to the customer in 15 minutes without ever needing to visit the house.”
David Bitan
Bumble Roofing
“Roofgraf has been really good for us. It makes our process much more streamlined and professional. Customer support is amazing.”
Joe Wallace
Vista Roofing
“We like Roofgraf because it speeds up the process by getting us the measurements before we even go out to the house. It has also saved us a lot of money compared to the other roofing tools out there.”
Shannon Williams
Pacific Coast Roofing
“Roofgraf has improved the efficiency of measuring roofs and cut the cost tremendously. Roofgraf is continuously improving the program with zero adverse impact on the user experience. The accuracy of the program leaves me confident after each measurement to order materials and move forward with each job. Good Job Roofgraf Team!”
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